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From: Derrick Farley <>
Subject: Venus and an interloper crossing the sun
I guess you are all getting maxed out by now with transit images, but
this one has an unexpected bonus:
or follow the thumbnail image link from here:
TMB152, AP900GTO, ST-2K
0.2s through red filter
Derrick Farley

Mother Nature has been trying to work against me all day, first clouds at sunrise with a small break at which point I rattled off a bunch of shots. Then I had to leave for work at which point it cleared up. Managed to take a 25 minute break in time for the final crossing. Then high winds all afternoon and evening causing constant power bunps. I managed to get one strip scanned and a rough page up with the best of the four. Hope to have better luck tomorrow.
George Anderson
Montreal Canada

Hey all,
Our trip to the beach worked out just as planned.  I will let Jeff Ball post the full trip report since he was gracious enough to secure the camping site, do some scouting and even help me with exposure data since he got to shoot some test shots on Monday.  Jeff is certainly one class A guy and my wife and I enjoyed meeting him and sharing the transit.
Most of my images came out pretty thin so I need to process them some more but here is the first pass:
>From what I heard of the rest of the weather here in the states I don't
feel too bad how they came out.

Thom Iwancio

Elgin, SC

APML'r Phillip Perkins has a "live" webcam feed of the transit.
Pretty Interesting, particularly so for those of us who won't get to see
any of it live :^(

I've posted some photos taken with a Nikon D2H of the transit of Venus.
Some with a Baader white light filter and one with a 0.2 angstrom
Hydrogen-alpha filter.

Especialy this one that I like

Clear skies !

Dom :)

Ok , now it's my turn to share my pictures of the transit :) We had a lots of clouds but few break through them where very welcomed :)
you can find 3 pictures here
Thanks for looking !
Dom :)

I'm very apologized.
I haven't put in my site the link but only the page.
This is the direct address. This evening I correct the trouble definitively.
Clear skies

Sorry for the OT, but I thought you'd like to see our first results with a Philips ToUcam Pro and a 12" LX200 S/C from the CAAT observatory at Valencia, Spain:
The images shown are our first, quick'n dirty results from one of the 20 AVI videos we obtained during the egress phase. Seeing was quite good, but we suffered strong wind hits during video acquisition, resulting in hundreds of video frames ruined. This is why some images have poor resolution while other ones are much better.
We transmitted the whole transit live on the Internet. We have hours of Ha digital videos through a 60 mm Coronado SolarMax and some good shots through a Canon 300D at the 12" f/10 prime focus. Time permitting, we'll be updating our results from now on.
Hope you'll like it. Of course, comments welcome.
Juan Conejero

From: "digidodi" <>
Subject: Higher resolution image of Venus Transit in H-alpha
This is a downsized image of one of the many mosaics I made today.
Lots of work ahead. Two weeks of rain please!

From: "Paul Hyndman" <>
Subject: One Mo' transit shot (H-alpha w/little wiener-dog scope)

Today's Venus transit expedition to Grassy Hill airport in Roxbury
CT was fantastic! Low lying clouds dramatically withdrew just as the
sun nudged through the tree-line, greeting us with a spectacular
naked-eye preview (Venus was huge!) BTW, this is the first Venus
transit ever seen in the H-a bandwidth!

Joining the Roxbury contingent was a down-to-the-wire decision, as
it appeared Marconi Station (Cape Cod, my first choice) stood a good
chance of being socked in with fog. It turned out to be very
fortuitous move, as we had clear sailing for the most part... save a
few errant cloud wisps. Cameras clicked away for well over an
hour... I was able to grab 95 full-disk images during the session!

The event was capped off with a group rendezvous to a local diner,
where we schmoozed and savored our prosperous morning while
terrorizing the locals (who are all these geeks, and where did they
come from?!? :o)  

Here's a shot of the Venue:

I've only processed one of the images so far:

The inset on the right is a cropped subsection from the RAW image in
unreduced size. The full-disk image has been processed with Images
Plus and Adobe PhotoShop PS using synthesized color (AP Traveler,
Coronado SolarMax90 with BF30, SBIG STL11000M camera, and 4X TeleVue
Powermate. Taken at medium resolution, to expedite transfer time).



   From: "nafpie" <>
Subject: Venus atmosphere after 3. contact

Hello guys,

I´m lucky to had nice weather for the Venus transit after many days
of rain. I imaged the first and second contact in Halpha, while
observing in integral light with the AP 155 and a Baader Herschel
Wedge. I noticed a bright arc after the first and before the second
contact outside the sun. This is caused by the atmosphere of Venus -
you would not able to see it during a Mercury transit.

After this impressive observation I decided to shot this phenomenon
after the third contact instead of Halpha imaging. Fortunately, I got


Soma data:
Object Venus Transit
Date + Time: June 8, 2004 / 11:05:48 UT and 11:06:20
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Optics: Astro-Physics 155mm f/7
Tools: Baader-Planetarium Herschel Wedge with grey filters 1000x, 64x
and 8x, Astro-Physics 2x Barlow
Detector: SBIG STL 11000XM with SBIG RGB filterset
Exposure Time(s): 0.05 seconds and 1 second, both with red filter in
Notes: I combined two frames to show the surface of the sun as well
as the Venus atmoshpere.

Thank you for looking.


From: "Paul Hyndman" <>
Subject: Venus transit movie


I started to crop the catch du jour (or is that catch du yester-
jur?) to plonk them together in movie-clip fashion. These are RAW
(as in totally unprocessed) croppings from the full-disk images and
there are 30 more shots to add, but I gotta' get out and do some
real work now, so thought I'd share this partial clip in it's very
crude stage (AP Traveler, Coroanado SolarMax90 w/BF30, TeleVue 4X
Powermate, SBIG STL11K):



From: "herbyork" <>
Subject: Venus shots from around the world

There can only be ONE ATWB POD but here are some of the
GREAT pictures people took from all over the world yesterday.

Thank you
Anacortes Telescope

From: "Paul Howell" <>
Subject: Transit of Venus

Hi all -

Kirk Rogers, George Whitney and I outran the coastal fog last night, perched
ourselves on the top of a hill courtesy some very understanding friends and
got the last of the transit at sunrise here in the US, Maine.

We pooled our equipment and endurance to get this one.

Here is a link to a sample image that I processed just now after getting
home. More to come, including movies and more complete processing...but for
now off to bed!

Note: This is a 1.2MB file.

Hello All...

     After playing 'Road Warrior' to get out of the overcast here in the ATL and have a chance at shooting the Transit, I haven't felt like doing anything more than I absolutely had to... until today...   :-)

     I've started a Web page to display the images I did get, all done with a 500mm f8 mirror lens on tripod. I had 6 frames left on a roll of Fuji Provia 100F, which I finished before loading print film. The first images are one of those, shot from Southport NC, about 5 minutes after the Sun cleared the horizon, around 6:08 AM EDT... see:

... will add text as I go along... also have a sequence around 3rd contact... guess I'll pick 4 -- 5 shots from these and add to the page. Will post again when I finish, for those whom might be interested.

Comments Welcome...   :o)


Hi All,

I put a preliminary report of Venus transit observations by MBK Team members to:

The page will be updated when new images and results are available.

Clear skies!
Javor Kac

Hello, all

The Venus transit was visible for about an hour and 10 minutes from bluff overlooking Lake Michigan, about 18 miles north of Milwaukee. The unusual heat of the early morning generated haze - a natural solar filter that made the "sunrise with a dot" a colorful spectacle. It also grabbed the interest of the top editors of the Milwaukee newspaper.
Jeff, I'm glad that your weather cooperated. It looked like you had some clouds. I'll be looking forward to your post.


Gianluca Masi <>
Subject: New Image of the Week (Venus transit)

Dear All,
I've just posted the new "Image of the Week" at the Bellatrix
Observatory's website:

It is a stunning sequenceof the recent Venus transit, captured by
P. Lazzarotti e N. Guidoni - Iyaly.

We are looking forward to present your own astronomical images!

From: "APM-Telescopes Markus Ludes" <>
Subject: Venustransit with 1 meter Sweden Solarscope

From: "Markus Ludes" <>
Subject: High Resolution Venustransit with 127 mm achromat
Hi A friend of well known Wolfgang Lille, build for himself and
friends special Solartelescopes, called Unigraph. The front
objectives are simple but good achromats
here a link to some of his high resolution images he did with his
modified 5" achromat
best wishes

   From: "davidcortner" <>
Subject: Sunrise Venus Transit, NC Mountains

I admire Jeff Ball's sunrise shots.  I tried the same thing with some
success from the other side of the Carolinas where the weather went
from scary to dramatic in the space of a few minutes.  Y'all may have
seen these already as they were a supplemental link to NASA's APOD on
the day after the event, but as they were made using A-P glass, it
seems appropriate to show them off here, too.

I am HUMBLED by the webcam views, but I figure these widefield view
have a place in the transit scrapbook, too.  

Best, dc

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